Deconwasher Pro S Angle 1920X800
Deconwasher Pro S Angle 1920X800

DeconWasher™ Pro S

Efficient cleaning solution in a compact size.

The same great cleaning result in a more convenient size

The DeconWasher Pro S ensures excellent results without compromising function or quality despite its compact size. The smart design enables a high water flow through rotating wash arms, with nozzles designed to decontaminate and clean the gear with plenty of power. In addition, the generously-sized rinse system ensures the efficient removal of dangerous soot particles and residue.

Clean up to 6 complete SCBAs or 24 face masks per hour

Despite its compact size the DeconWasher Pro S can fit a complete set of self-contained breathing apparatus including face mask and it has the capacity to clean up to 6 of them per hour. If you prefer to separate the face mask from the rest of the SCBA you can fit up to 4 of these in one wash cycle giving you a capacity of 24 face masks per hour. On top of that it is also possible to wash standalone air cylinders, boots, gloves, and helmets in the machine.

The provided cleaning performance values are theoretical; actual results may vary due to various factors.

Dw Pro S Capacity 736X800

Easy to operate with an intuitive user interface

To make the machine as user-friendly as possible, we decided to use a single resistive touch screen display, so you have complete control of your DeconWasher Pro S. With a modern user interface, inspired by the easy-to-use analog control panel of the Solo Rescue, you can run a wash program with a single tap on the screen. Apart from starting your wash programs, you will be able to follow its progress via a progress bar, change the wash and rinse temperatures, adjust the detergent concentration, alter the rinse volume, see the current number of completed programs since the last water change, get water change and service notifications, and more.

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Built-in intelligence with automatic water changes

To ensure optimal cleaning and decontamination performance of a decon washer, the water will need to be changed on a regular basis. How often will depend on how contaminated the gear is, how often it is used, and the life span of the detergent in the wash tank. To help you keep track of when to change the water, the DeconWaher Pro S keeps track of both the number of cycles and how many days has passed since the last water change was performed. There is also an option to have the machine perform automatic water changes based on number of cycles and time.

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Disinfection as an option

If disinfection is a vital part of your decontamination process the DeconWasher™ Pro S will offer you a couple of solutions using the rinse system. By adding a disinfectant as a rinse aid, you can either choose to use it directly after the decontamination process of a regular wash program, or you can choose to create a separate disinfectant program for that sole purpose. The latter option will off course give your equipment both the regular freshwater rinse followed by the extra disinfection program.

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Energy-saving ECO-mode

An optimized decontamination process often means having your decon washer turned on and ready 24/7. To minimize energy consumption in these situations The DeconWasher™ Pro S comes equipped with an ECO-mode. With ECO-mode enabled the machine lowers the temperature in the wash tank between washes, thus reducing the energy consumption. How much less energy is consumed depends on different factors such as the ambient temperature, and which temperature values you have chosen for the wash programs and the ECO-mode.

Hmi Eco 736X800

Integrated dosing and drain pumps

The DeconWasher™ Pro S comes with one built-in dosing pump as standard and with an extra one available as an option. The standard one is used for detergent whereas the extra one is used for rinse aids. Both can be adjusted from the settings on the control panel, directly on the machine. Just choose you desired concentration for each program on the screen and you are set to go. The DeconWasher™ Pro S also comes with a built-in drain pump which makes installation location a lot easier.

Seko Pumps 736X800

Easy to install with a single-phase power supply

Despite the power and efficiency of the DeconWasher Pro S, it still only needs a single-phase power supply. This makes the machine easy to install almost anywhere without upgrading your power supply, which can be very costly.

Deconwasher Pro S Perspective 736X800

Technical specifications

Power supply 200–240 V single-phase, 50/60 Hz, 16–20 A
Water supply Cold & hot water, 0.5–10°dH
Dimensions closed H x W x D 680 x 790 x 1732 mm
Dimensions open H x W x D 680 x 1080 x 1900 mm
RESCUE Intellitech disclaims any and all liability for any damages or injury to persons, property or otherwise resulting from (i) inaccurate or insufficient instructions by a PPE manufacturer with respect to the use of the DeconWasher™ Pro S, (ii) use of the DeconWasher™ Pro S in a way that does not correspond with the washing instructions of the relevant PPE manufacturer, or (iii) where no such instructions exist, use of the DeconWasher™ Pro S without the user contacting the PPE manufacturer to receive such instructions or information.


Cancer Cells 660X480

Cancer – the Number One Cause of Death Among Firefighters

According to numerous studies cancer is the number one cause of death among firefighters. In North America cancer caused 61% of the career firefighter line-of-duty deaths from January 1, 2002, to March 31, 2017. Firefighters also run a 9% higher risk of being diagnosed with cancer and a 14% higher risk of dying from cancer than the general population.

Contaminated Firefighter 660X480

How to clean your PPE equipment

In order to minimize the risk for firefighters of being diagnosed with cancer we need to minimize their exposure to cancer causing toxic chemicals such as PAH particles. One way of doing that is trough thorough cleaning and decontamination of the PPE equipment. There are a few things to always bare in mind while doing so.

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