Canada gets their first Solo Rescue® decon washer installed at Kananaskis Emergency Service


Kananaskis Emergency Services, Canada.

After a long process the Solo Rescue® Decon Washer is now finally in place at Kananaskis Emergency Services, a brand new station in Alberta, Canada. The station, that serves the Kananaskis area about one hour west of Calgary, is working actively to reduce exposure to carcinogenic PAH particles to reduce cancer risk among their firefighters, most of whom are volunteers living nearby.

The contaminants that were removed from SCBA’s that had previously been cleaned by hand was astonishing.
Captain Gary Robertson, Kananaskis Emergency Services, Alberta, Canada.

“Kananaskis Emergency Services is proud to be the first department in Canada with a Solo Rescue washer. We have collaborated closely over the last four years with the teams at Solo Rescue, RESCUE Intellitech and MSA to bring this innovation in firefighter decontamination not only to our organization, but the Canadian fire service. We were thoroughly impressed by the machine’s ease of operation, efficiency and performance. The contaminants that were removed from SCBA’s that had previously been cleaned by hand was astonishing. The Solo Rescue washer will be an integral part of our exposure reduction program, not only for its superior quality and efficiency of cleaning, but in the reduced exposure to contaminants throughout the cleaning process. We look forward to sharing this innovation with other organizations, and to create a healthier environment for our firefighters”, says Captain Gary Robertson.

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