Decontamination, Cleaning and Disinfection
In consideration of the current challenging times and the demand for a way to effectively remove pathogens from equipment we recommend you disinfect your PPE equipment after each use. Using the Solo Rescue Decon Washer that means the process listed below. As RESCUE Intellitech does not develop any disinfectants we recommend you follow the washing and disinfection instructions and recommendations provided by your PPE manufacturer.
- Place your contaminated PPE inside the Solo Rescue. Make sure you use appropriate protective gear to minimize exposure to chemical toxins and
microbial contamination. - Run the washing program and make sure you follow your manufacturers washing instructions.
- At the end of the washing and rinse cycle apply* the disinfectant onto your equipment. Make sure you cover all parts. Again, make sure you use
appropriate protective gear to minimize exposure to chemical toxins and microbial contamination. - After using disinfectants, it is recommended that you fully rinse or wipe down the product to remove any residue that may impact the product over time**.
Warning! Any claims of the effectiveness for disinfection (including bacteria and viruses) are made by each individual disinfectant manufacturer. RESCUE Intellitech does not guarantee, neither explicitly nor by implication, the effectiveness of these products in combination with the use in Solo Rescue.

* There are several ways to apply disinfectants. Make sure you follow the recommendations made by your PPE manufacturer.
** Repeated use of these solutions may effect your PPE equipment over time. RESCUE Intellitech disclaims liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of disinfectants and refers to the recommendations of each individual PPE manufacturer. Furthermore, we recommend you maintain stringent pre-use inspection procedures to ensure the functionality of your equipment before each use.
RESCUE Intellitech disclaims liability for the final disinfection result followed by the use of disinfectants and any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of the Solo Rescue that does not correspond with the washing instructions and recommendations of each individual PPE manufacturer.